Saturday, August 28, 2010

Birthday Blessings

I'm sitting here and it's almost my birthday (we're talking a matter of minutes).  I'm SO excited!!!  Birthdays were always a big deal in my family.  Mom and Dad did a great job of making my sister and I feel extra special on each of our extra special days.  Streamers hanging from the door, soap writing on the mirror in the bathroom, fine china pulled out for breakfast and don't forget the birthday tablecloth accompanied by our choice of birthday dinner.  Not to mention queen for the day and lovely gifts :)  Oh yeah.  We had it good.  Scratch that...GREAT!  Needless to say my hubby has a lot to live up to as he's my family now and my birthday is so quickly approaching.  Not to worry, though, his amazingness is no less in the birthday department.  He started out my birthday week with an amazing bottle of ice wine in our new Riedel glasses (ps: totally worth the extra dinero if you're a wine drinker like us)  Beautiful flowers yesterday to remind me that my birthday is  just around the corner. I feel entirely special and my day is JUST about to begin :D Even though I do miss my family and friends on this first birthday in Memphis away from them all, I'm so blessed to have a man of God who is so eager and able to show his love for me. Better sign off for now.....3.....2.....1......HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!!!!

Moral of the Story: Count your blessings, for I'm sure they outweigh your trials.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The First Post of My Blog!!

...said with a booming voice like that of, "The first gift of Christmas!" from The Polar Express...

Let me just say that there are mixed emotions right now. I've always wanted to start a blog.  In fact, I think I've started several different blogs in my lifetime...but THIS is the first time I have actually posted something of significance.  Thus: Excitement!!  Now enter: Nervousness, Expectancy, Worry, Squimishment, Dullness, Disappointment.  See?  In one statement I have played through my whole blogging experience without even posting my first post.  Let me explain.  I'm nervous that no one will even read what I'm writing (ps: who cares?)  I'm worried that if anyone does read what I'm writing they'll think it's stupid (and again: who really cares?)  I'm squimish as I sift through my brain trying to figure out what is worthy enough of a topic.  I'm dull because I have no earthly idea of what to write...and I'm disappointed because even if I did write anything I feel like it might be pointless (talk about a complex!)  Oh the pressure.

But back to the point of this blog: Sunny Side UP.  Derived from "chin UP," "Man UP" and what the heck...maybe even "Fess UP."  Mostly I hope to encourage others by relating to them and also to help myself work through the tangled mess of thoughts in my head...always ending UP with a positive moral of the story.  I know it won't be easy, but I'd like to commit to this mission nonetheless, because that is why, I believe, we are here on this earth.  To be a positive light to the world...pointing UPwards to Christ, our Lord and Savior.  I hope to point to Him in the way I live my life because not only did God give me life from the beginning...He sent His son to give m Eternal Life...that's life Heaven...the best place EVER!!  All this despite the fact that I'm a sinner and keep on messing UP over and over again.  He sees my mistakes and still loves and forgives me when I turn to Him.  And that's just skimming the surface...Whoo!  Can I get an Amen?!

Now...I could go on and on, but in fear of my first blog scaring potential readers off due to long-windedness, I think I'll end on that high note...and with a sense of accomplishment, I might add.  I've officially posted my first post. *phew!*

Moral of the Story: The first is the worst, so logically it can only go UP from here.