Monday, May 9, 2011

Boiling Blood

Blood! Boiling Blood!

You know that You Tube video with the kid who says "blood" in a funny and really cute way? Well if you don't, check it out here: Not Funny Blood

Even though, yes, this video is very funny to most viewers...the part I would like to highlight is that from the kid's perspective it's "not funny." It is very serious indeed.

Well I am in a "serious" situation now and my blood is boiling. It's one of those situations where I see things one way (one very simple and logical way, might I add) and someone else sees it completely differently, and is not responding how I think they should respond. My hairs are raised and my blood is "boiling." And I am not laughing, but I feel like everyone else is. (Well I can't say everyone...Patrick is standing by my's one of those huge perks of this whole marriage thing...always having someone on your side. I do have to give him props. Thanks, Sweetie! :)

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? I'm trying to talk myself down and it just doesn't seem to be working! I keep thinking, "If only they truly understood my heart in the matter and saw things from my perspective!" The tricky part is that I don't know this person very well at all AND we're in a professional relationship, so there's lot's of "cordialness" and "red tape" that are preventing me from saying what I really want to say. After a quick self-diagnosis, I would say I'm assuming way too much. I really don't know how this other person is taking what I'm saying, or why they're saying what they're saying. I have no right to assume that he/she is thinking negatively of me and reacting in this way out of spite. In all honesty, this sticky situation could be just that... an innocent sticky situation. AND heaven forbid, I take a moment to try and see things from his/her perspective! (what?!) Oh, and did I mention that this situation has mostly been in email and an occasional phone conversation? Another huge trigger for misinterpretation! Just what I need.

Speaking of what I do really need....that is your help. What do you do in these sticky situations? How do you talk yourself down? Are there Bible verses you bring to mind or prayers you say? It's bedtime and I need to lower my heart rate so that Patrick can get some sleep without a fuming wife at his side. (those air traffic controllers really need their sleep...let me tell you!) Thank you for listening and for your thoughts. I'm starting to feel better already.

Moral of the Story: If you're in a sticky situation and you feel misunderstood, take some time to step back, breath and really reflect on the situation. God will show you what to do...and if not immediately, He'll at least provide an outlet for your frustrations in a friend or perhaps a soul mate...or maybe even a blog ;)

1 comment:

  1. exercise your assertiveness, darling. you have to keep it polite, but it's not fair to anyone to dwell on something... and lose sleep about it!... if someone did something in the wrong. now, you don't need to bring it up again if the time has passed, but if something like it happens again, say, "hey, you know, I feel a little bothered about xxxx. can we talk about this so we can get on the same page?" and if worse comes to worse and there is no room on the page for both of you, let it go. (And remember, do what I say, not what I do)
