Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm not in Michigan anymore

Here I am, sitting in the closet....again. This has been happening a lot lately due to the crazy weather affecting much of the Mid South these days. Talk about tornado alley!! I didn't sign up for this! In fact, I don't really like it at all to be completely honest with you. Tornadoes scare me, and here's something interesting. We barely had any tornadoes in MI when I was there and we had a basement to hide in when the time came. We have TONS of tornado warnings and actual tornadoes here and there's NO basement. Just a measly kitchen pantry that Patrick, Moses and I have to cram ourselves into when we hear the sirens. Our neighbor fears that the cans of food will hit us in the head if a tornado does come. I fear that we'll forget to grab a can opener in the case that we are, heaven forbid, stuck in there for a long period of time. How ironic would that be?!

Mo and I hiding out during a tornado warning

My view in the kitchen pantry

This time Patrick is at work so it's just me and Mo. I really don't think he minds at all, as he loves to be in small cramped spaces. Me, on the other hand...I think my butt is going numb and I worry about making sure I have "everything I need" in here in case something does hit ground in our neighborhood. How do you determine what you need, though? I mean if a tornado does really come, is there anything that would really help me in that situation (besides my faith in God)? Nonetheless it is our mission to create an "Emergency Kit" to store in the pantry so that we do have all the "essentials" without having to think about it in the time of action. Here's the list we came up with:

1. Can Opener
2. Flashlight
3. Blankets
4. Shoes
5. Granola bars
6. First aid supplies
7. What else?

Oh, and here's a list of what we'll grab on the way in:

1. Purse/Wallet
2. Shoes
3. Clothes (if it's the middle of the night of course)
4. Cell phones/charger
5. Moses

That is if there's time :/ But like I said, I have a feeling if a tornado really does hit we won't be so worried about having "everything" we need. I'll be happy if we survive together. I know God will take care of the details.

I just emerged to check the weather situation and it's eerily quiet, it seems. Siren is still going off.  I even saw a neighborhood cat in our back yard. Take shelter, Kitty! Apparently the bad storm is about to hit in 10 min. Nerves? What nerves? God is my strength and He is in control. NOT to say that these tornadoes are His will. No, no, no. However, He WILL make good out come out of whatever happens and He IS holding us in the palm of His hand.

Not to say I don't just wish it would stop. Please?

Moral of the Story: No matter what size of the tornado in your life, whether it be literal or psycological, trust in God and He will make sure you have everything you need...even if you do forget to grab the can opener!


  1. Hey Al --

    Just read your post about the tornado warning (again) -- I'm happy you seem so calm -- I'm a little bit more freaked out when we get them up here! We had one touch down on our road last year and didn't know until they announced our little road on the news and our family started calling to see if we were okay -- we went downstairs then...not that it mattered. The tornado would have already taken us out and we wouldn't have even known it -- too funny to find out about it from the channel 4 news! Hang in there! Prayers are going up for everyone stuck in their closets right now! :) Good thing you remembered to include the can opener in your emergency thing to add -- water? ;)

    ~Erin (Jones)

    P.S. Thanks for your moral of the story. I really needed that today!

  2. Oh you silly northerner! Take it from someone who's lived in the real tornado alley (not the MidSouth pansy version) her whole life: be safe and take shelter, but odds are you won't get hit with anything. Tornadoes are generally very small. They can hit your neighbor's house and not leave a scratch on yours. Your biggest concern is staying away from windows because strong winds/pressure can break them and shattered glass is not fun to play around. As far as your "emergency kit" goes, you are more than prepared. Tornadoes usually pick things up when they hit, so getting out of your house is fairly easy, it's just finding all your stuff once the storm's over. It's not very often that the house will collapse leaving you stuck in the pantry. One thing you might add to the list of things to grab on your way into the pantry is a pillow or two because your neighbor's right, the canned food could whack you in the head. If you put a pillow over you, you'll be more protected. You could even use a little couch pillow for Moses! :)
    Hang in there. This weather won't last much longer. Pretty soon it will be 110 degrees with 150% humidity and you'll forget all about those pesky twisters!
